Seit der Rückrunde im Mai freuen sich die 1. Damen über zwei Neuzugänge aus Übersee: Catalina aus Chile und Estelle aus Australien. Ausländische Spielerinnen waren und sind immer eine Bereicherung für jede Mannschaft und den BTHV. Es wird Zeit, sie näher vorzustellen. Offensichtlich haben beide einen Klasse Humor. Good Job girls – great interview!!!
Zunächst eine kurze Vorstellung:
Cata: My name is Catalina Montino (24 years old), but everyone calls me Cata. I come from a really nice coastal city in Chile, named Viña del Mar. The first time with my twin sister picked up a hockey stick was at the age of 6 years old, and since then neither of us haven’t stopped having fun playing it.
Estelle: My name is Estelle Hughes and I am from Newcastle, Australia. For the last 4 years I have lived in the US, to play Field Hockey for the College of William and Mary (known as the tribe). And I recently turned 24.
Question: Honestly: when you first heard Bonn, your reaction was WHERE?? You probably hadn’t heard of the small city before, right??
Cata: I heard about Bonn because of a tv show I watched, “Deutschland ’83”, but I had not a clue where it was…
Estelle: I had never heard of Bonn before, but I used to live in Williamsburg, Virginia (the most boring ‘colonial’ town in America) so even though Bonn is small, and random, I knew it couldn’t be as bad as Williamsburg! Weiterlesen →