Sommerinterview (3): Daniel Coronado – Tennis Coach and more

Foto: mit dem Outfit könnte er selbst als Zuschauer nicht in Wimbledon auflaufen. Dunkle Socken – no way und viel Luft nach oben

Im Mai letzten Jahres erreichte die BTHV-Geschäftsstelle ein überraschender Anruf. Daniel war dran und kurz zusammengefasst: ‘I am looking for a job!’ Und zufällig passte alles. Er konnte loslegen – was für ein Glücksgriff. Da wird es Zeit, endlich ein Interview zu führen. Wir haben es in English geführt, auch wenn er schon gut deutsch spricht

Q:: Daniel, first of all: introduce yourself to the members??

A: My name is Daniel Coronado, 31, Bauingeniuer, and tennis training during my free time. I am Brazilian, born in Sao Paulo.

Q: It must be unusual for a Brazilian to move to Germany – even it is only for the weather. Is there something wrong with you..??:)

A: Weather here is really bad, but at least there is Glühwein during the winter. But there are a lot of Brazilians in Bonn and in Germany. I know more than 20 just in Bonn.

Q: How did you end up at the other end of the world, in Germany, and then the BTHV. It was a lucky coincidence, right??

A: I wanted to learn a new language and I thought Germany was a good idea. At the end of my Master studies in Aachen my Professor had no time for me to make the final presentation and told me to do it in 3 months. So I had 3 months no degree and no job. So, I thought it was a good idea to move to the Cologne-Bonn area. I texted and called GW Godesberg and BTHV. I was lucky: BTHV was looking for coaches. After I got my degree in Aachen, I started to work as civil Eng. and giving lessons just for the adults after work.

Q.: When did you know, BTHV was the right decision??

A: Was it?? Hahaa, just kidding. I like to be able to be on the tennis court again and that was possible at BTHV

Q.: You always have new ideas: what is the difference between a tennis club in Brazil and Germany and where can the BTHV improve??

A: It is not possible to compare. I was playing in a club that was a competitive club and not a social club. Both has your advantages and disadvantages.

Q.: Please tell us a secret: you seem to get along with everybody – very unusual for our club. Can you solve this mystery???

A: Easy, just pay a beer for everyone that you meet and everything is fine. We are in Germany.

Q: Last question:  you are now in charge of the hobby training (the training itself and the camps). Since then you seem stressed?? Is there anything that can be done so you are your usual self again??

A: Let me clear up that it is just for the summer! Hahaha. Yes, I am stressed and I need URLAUB!!

Q: Is there any other question you would like to answer??

A: Kay, please. I am so busy and can’t think of another question

Vielen SDank an Daniel und weiterhin schönen Urlaub. Nächste Woche ist er wieder da.


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